Sunday, September 30, 2012

What I have been up to.

What I have been up to? Let me show you!
With school being so busy, I haven't been able to post very often. I'm still frusterated with my blog layout in general, and am working on design plans to change it. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Coco Rocha for Interview Russia

I can't help it, Coco is just....amazing. I warned you that I am mildly obsessed with her. I just love her poses. I would LOVE to be at Fashion's Night Out tonight, all my favorite models and designers just out and about?
I would die. 
But sadly, I cannot afford the long treck up to NY, so will have to be consoled reading my September Issue of VOGUE and dreaming up outlandish photo shoots and campaigns. 

Anyhoo, here is my Top 10 (well...thirteen-because they are all amazing) Lovely List for the week, featuring again, Mrs. Rocha.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


We are a couple of dweebs. Straight up. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Liebster Award!

I had never heard of the Liebster Award until today, when two sweet girls, Joanna from Who The F*uck is Chanel, and Tori from styleoftori, both nominated me. At first I didn't understand, but then I got kind of excited about it! Apparently, The Liebster Award is given to those great bloggers with less than 200 followers!  It's a great way to network and find more out about the bloggers you love! Since I was nominated by two bloggers, I'll try to compile my answers to my 11 favorite of their questions. Also, I get to nominate 11 bloggers! If I nominate you, you can post this badge on your page!