Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Liebster Award!

I had never heard of the Liebster Award until today, when two sweet girls, Joanna from Who The F*uck is Chanel, and Tori from styleoftori, both nominated me. At first I didn't understand, but then I got kind of excited about it! Apparently, The Liebster Award is given to those great bloggers with less than 200 followers!  It's a great way to network and find more out about the bloggers you love! Since I was nominated by two bloggers, I'll try to compile my answers to my 11 favorite of their questions. Also, I get to nominate 11 bloggers! If I nominate you, you can post this badge on your page!

The rules:
-Each person must post 11 things about themselves
-Answer the 11 questions the person giving the award has set for you.
-Create 11 questions for the people you will be giving the award to.
-Choose 11 people to award, with less than 200 followers and send them a link to your post.
-Go to their page and tell them.

My answers:
1.  If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Somewhere in the English countryside, in a little cottage with vines and a rose garden, where I could have teaparties with my fluffy cat.

2. What's the most expensive piece of clothing or accessory you ever bought?
I recently bought a neon satchel from Steve Madden that would have been really expensive (but some harmless flirting with the sales associate scored me 60% off) so I didn't end up spending very much...

3. What's your favourite trend for the upcoming season?
I really like tweed suits. I don't know why. I just think they are dapper and fantastic. I was flipping through the September issue of Vogue and came across quite a few campaigns featuring tweed, and I wish I could participate. But where to wear a tweed suit in south Georgia?

4.  And your least favourite one?
Those "creeper" sneakers. Creeper for realz...

5. How did you get into blogging?
I've always wanted to be able to design my own space, where I could post my life and be inspired by others (Plus I had several blog-crushes who inspired me to get moving). And as a future fashion merchandising graduate, I thought it would be a good experience to put on a resume (It can't hurt). Learning CSS and HTML has been a process, but I still have big plans for OHTBL. I'm SO not happy with it right now!

6. Which magazines do you read?
My Vogue's are my babies- especially the September issues! And I honestly don't read them becuase I want to buy the clothes in them- I love the wonderlands that creative director Grace Coddington spins in her photoshoots. She has my dream job. The colors, movement, shape- all art forms. I wish more people understood that.

I do read a lot of other magazines as well, mostly online. I like to keep up on current affairs, and on things I am interested in researching, such as Intelligent Design. Oh, and I can't forget The Daily Mail- it serves as my source of gossip, it's the best.

7.  Let's take a look at your wishlist: What's the fashion item you want the most?
This was really hard, becuase I didn't know if I should be be realistic or not. Realistically, I really want a pair of good, knee-high leather boots. They look good with everything and only get better with age. Unrealistically...I've always wanted one of Alexander McQueen's feathered gowns.
Just throwing that out there...

8. What is with you in your purse all of the time?
Eos lip balm, Trident White gum, and my keys/wallet/phone (although I lose them ALL the time- it's a problem).

9. What's the piece of clothing you've been wearing the most this summer?
My silver hand-chain that I made. You can view it here.

10. What's your all time favourite in your wardrobe?
A blue EXPRESS shift dress I found at Goodwill. It fits me perfectly- a match made in heaven! You can see it here.

11. What's your occupation?
Cuurently- I'm a student. I also work part-time as a model at the Atlanta Apparel Mart. And as a waitress in a fancy restaurant. And maybe (interview soon) as an assistant in a print shop on campus.

I hope you learned a little more about me! I can't wait to read all the answers to my questions!

My questions:
1. What's the most expensive piece of clothing or accessory you ever bought?
2. What is your favorite song right now?
3. If you were a shoe, what kind would you be? Why?
4. Who is your favorite designer?
5. How did you get into blogging?
6. What's your favorite trend for the upcoming season?
7. What is one thing you couldn't live without?
8. What/who makes you laugh the hardest?
9. Your wishlist: What's the fashion item you want the most?
10. Who is your favorite model?
11. What is your favorite perfume?

My nominees:


  1. I was too, basically (if you want) you can let us know more about you by answering the questions, and then post your own questions when you nominate 11 blogs (if that makes sense). I've never heard of it until today, but I love your blog and thought I'd include you! xx
