I have a writing class this semester that supposedly takes the place of a math credit. How can this be, you ask? I have no idea. The class is called Technical Writing, and is quite frankly, a joke. It's a class designed to help IT and Engineering majors (of which I am neither) hone their writing skills and learn to write concisely and clearly. One the first day of class, the professor asked what a verb was, and the class just stared at her. Yikes. All we will be doing, the entire semester, is tweaking resumes and writing cover letters. What a wonderful class to have my senior year!
Anyways, she wanted us to bring in our current resumes. I took one look at mine and while practical, it was absolutely blah. So, instead of working on my other projects, I gave my resume a little facelift. It's absolutely bare-bones, and I'm not really that happy with it, but it just goes to show you how much impact a little design can have on something as practical and pragmatic as a resume.
Very practical, but not very eye-catching!
Much better!
If you were an employer (in a design/fashion field) which resume would you choose?
LOVED the second resume. I would hire you in a second! Bravo!