Sunday, January 27, 2013

Window Display Final Reveal

Remember that Window Display project I had from last semester? If not, you can find it here

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

# 14 Ways to Think Like a Designer

      I'm a chronic over-achiever. I'll be the first one to admit it. And it's really inconvenient! There are so many times where I just need to get a project done, but if it isn't something I'm proud of, I can't finish it. 
It's my lot in life I guess. To have over-developed ambition and to be extremely anal when it comes to...everything.
     Anyways, the basis of the post is to prove you how much of an over-achiever I am. 
Last week one of my professors asked us to create a 10 slide minimum powerpoint illustrating one of the 14 Ways to Think Like a Designer from our textbook, Presentation Zen Design. My rule was "Know the Rules and When to Break Them." I could have just pasted some pictures onto Power Point and called it a day, but I stressed myself out and stayed up all do this. 

I wonder what the rest of the class will do. 

I've always been the one to obsess and stay up all night over projects and assignments that no one else cares about. Usually I end up getting the same grade as everyone else- participation. But I guess I don't care. Because I know I put out work that I'm proud of, and no one else's opinion matters.   
I can remember in middle school where we had to come up with a visual presentation on a topic from the medieval ages. What did I do? Built a jousting arena, complete with moveable knights and their horses. 
What did the other kids do? Tri-boards and posters. 
My freshman year of high school, we were asked to create a playbill for a Midsummer Nights Dream. I stayed up till 3am making an actual book, illustrating major scenes with paper cutouts and layered textures. What did the other kids do? Printed something off the computer that morning, some not even bothering to staple it. 

In college I had a 2-D Design professor who was impossible to please. He felt that he was God's gift to art, and that any ideas other than his own were inferior. Every time our class would turn in a project, he would spend the whole time telling us how we fell short of his standards, and that he had no faith in us. He pissed me off so much that I spent a straight 15 hours of back-breaking work doing a project on grid layout-thousands of tiny square grids that made a swirling vortex. By hand. Not only did I do it by hand, but I did it with a paint brush and India ink. If I can remember I'll post a picture of it. It was ridiculous. 
And you know what? I got a 93. For a professor who didn't believe in A's, and acted like we were the scum of the earth, I earned his respect that day. And it was worth it. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Baskerville Project

At long last, here is *most* of the book on the Baskerville font that I had to create for my Typography class last semester. It was up to us to illustrate the unique journey that each font took from past to present. 

Resume Makeover

  I have a writing class this semester that supposedly takes the place of a math credit.  How can this be, you ask? I have no idea. The class is called Technical Writing, and is quite frankly, a joke. It's a class designed to help IT and Engineering majors (of which I am neither) hone their writing skills and learn to write concisely and clearly. One the first day of class, the professor asked what a verb was, and the class just stared at her. Yikes. All we will be doing, the entire semester, is tweaking resumes and writing cover letters. What a wonderful class to have my senior year!
     Anyways, she wanted us to bring in our current resumes. I took one look at mine and while practical, it was absolutely blah. So, instead of working on my other projects, I gave my resume a little facelift. It's absolutely bare-bones, and I'm not really that happy with it, but it just goes to show you how much impact a little design can have on something as practical and pragmatic as a resume.